Triathlon Coaching – Running Off The Bike
Anyone who has ever competed in (or trained for) a triathlon or duathlon knows the horrendous feeling of heaviness in the quads and the jelly legs as you leave the bike rack and enter the run. Your free-flowing running gait, which was the hallmark of your style when you ran fresh, becomes nothing more than […]
Recording Your Mindset
If you’re like most athletes, I’d guess you’re keen to experience regular improvement in your endurance, speed and enjoyment of training. So I was wondering…do you keep a training log? It’s a widely accepted fact that keeping an ongoing summary of your workouts can shine valuable light on recurring themes and patterns that are either […]
The Performance Matrix – You clean your teeth but do you do retraining?
Look after your body like you look after your teeth. Most of us regularly visit the dentist for a check up. We take advice on oral hygiene and even have a scale and polish. We then try to maintain things with regular brushing, flossing and use of mouth wash and then revisit the dentist […]
Pad/Tablet User?
Recently I am seeing more neck, thoracic and arm pain related to the use of tablets/iPads etc. Patients need to be more aware of the position and posture they adopt when using phones and tablets as unlike desk tops they are not designed to be used for extended periods. Pete Tang BSc MSCP Chartered […]
Tri Events Sponsorship
Tri Event Sponsorship We are pleased to be working with The Tri Shop and are offering the prizes at the following events: 30.06.13 Portishead Tri 28.07.13 Westonbirt Tri 25.08.13 Westonbrit Tri The prizes are: 1st Place Man & Woman- Performance Matrix Screen & Programme worth £95.00 2nd Place Man & Woman- Specialist Dietitian/Sports […]
Performance Matrix: Should you be screened?
The Performance Matrix Clinic Poster We are the only clinic in the South West to offer Performance Matrix Screening & re-training. The Performance Matrix is the most accurate and powerful screening system available for individuals and athletes wanting to improve movement efficiency, optimise musculoskeletal health, reduce injury risk and enhance performance. Such is our passion […]
TRX Training Now Available
Here is an offer that we will be running from now until the 31st of May 2013. TRX MASTER CLASS– make sure that you are using the TRX or any other Suspended Training Aid the right way & getting the most out of your session. This can be done 1-2-1 or 2-2-1 at […]
Sports Massage- do you know the benefit?
Sports Massage We now have both male & female therapist offering Sports Massage here at the clinic as well as a new Saturday clinic, from 10am (alternate weekends) Do you know the benefits of regular Sports Massage? If you did, would you not be looking after your body more. Make sure it gets the treatment […]
Rock Tape
For all the guys & girls that we have used tape on. If you liked it & found it helped- get down to the Tri Shop & stock up.
Did you know… By the time that we get thirsty we’re already 1-2% dehydrated, meaning that our body has lost 1-2kg of fluids. Fluid levels are vital when training so try this- Weigh yourself before your training session, keep a record of what your drink during the session. The total amount that you have sweated […]