Please see a list of the most Frequently ask Questions (FAQ’s).  If you can’t find what you are looking for then please give us a call on 01454 54 00 66 or fill in our contact form here.

  • We are based on the first floor within Riverside Leisure Club.  The address is:

Riverside Leisure Club

Station Road

Little Stoke


BS34 6HW

Tel: 01454 54 00 66

Click here for full directions

  • There is free disabled parking at Riverside Leisure Club with ramp access to enter the building via the Leisure Club main entrance (not The Physio Clinic entrance).  We have a ground floor treatment room for clients are unable to climb stairs.  Please advise us if you require a downstairs consultation at the time of your booking.
  • Yes. We have a large onsite car park.  Parking is free.  There is CCTV in operation but note use of the carpark is at your own risk.

Appointment length varies depending on the type of service and the complexity of your needs.

  • Initial physiotherapy appointments are typically 45 minutes in duration.
  • Follow-up physiotherapy sessions are typically 30 minutes.
  • Sports massage appointments vary from 30 – 60 minutes.

Occasionally sessions may run over if someone needs more time or their needs are more complex.

Fees for our main services:

  • Physiotherapy Initial assessment – Starting from £65
  • Specialist Running Clinic Service – £99 (80′ appt)
  • Physiotherapy Follow Up – £52 (discount packages available)
  • Sports Massage – From £42 (30′ appt)
  • Sports Therapy Initial Assessment £52 (45′ appt)

For further services, including packages and Pilates classes, please click here

  • We accept all major debit and credit card payments including contactless payment and AMEX
  • We can also accept cash
  • Yes. The Physio Clinic and its Physiotherapists are registered and recognised by most major Private Medical Insurance Companies including  AXA PPP, WPA and AVIVA Please call us to request confirmation of individual physiotherapist’s provider status and provider number.
  • If you claim under a cashback scheme, you normally don’t need to get a GP referral, but please check if you are unsure.
  • We can provide a headed receipt for all transactions that you can use to claim back through your cashback scheme or medical insurance.
  • Please note we DO NOT accept BUPA insurance.
  • For more info see:
  • Please wear clothing that allows access to the area to be assessed.  For lower limb or spinal problems we recommend you bring some shorts.
  • If you wear reading glasses please bring them along.
  • You may wish to bring along your own towel for comfort.
  • If you are claiming via private medical insurance then please bring your membership and authorisation numbers.
  • If your appointment is related to a scan or medical procedure, it can be useful to bring along any letters or reports you have regarding your current injury.
  • A list of medications you are currently taking is sometimes useful especially if there are a few.
  • It is best to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing. It is often necessary for us to be able to see the skin around your injury and therefore we recommend you bring shorts or a vest top and wear sensible underwear.  You may like to bring along your own towel too.
  • We do have a selection of shorts and towels available for use in emergencies.
  • If you have any letters or test results relating to your problem then bring those along.
  • A list of current medications is useful.
  • It is sometimes necessary for us to go to the Leisure Club gym, in which case a pair of trainers or suitable exercise footwear is recommended.
  • For running assessments please bring your running gear.
  • Yes, by all means, you are welcome to be accompanied during sessions if you wish.
  • Chlidren under the age of 16 must be accompanied for all sessions.
  • All our physiotherapists are registered members of the Health and Care Professions Council and Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.  They are all trained to degree level or above.
  • Our Massage therapists and Sports Rehabilitation experts are also trained to degree level and are registered with either the Sports Therapy Association, Sports Massage Association, Federation of Holistic Therapists or BASRaT
  • The Physio Clinic Bristol Ltd and all its therapists retain liability insurance and comply with all regulations specified by their governing body.
  • We kindly request that you give 24 hours’ notice when cancelling an appointment to re-arrange.  This will enable us some time to offer up your appointment to someone else.
  • In cases of illness or emergency within less than 24 hours please still call us.  We understand that life sometimes gets in the way of our plans.  It will stop us from worrying if you are ok or calling you should you fail to attend, and we can then plan for your next session.