Entries by Pete Tang

When is a Runner NOT a Runner? by Pete Tang

When is a runner not a runner?…. When they are injured! Which has been a lot for me this year!   2019 hasn’t been a great year for me injury wise and its taught me a few lessons in keeping motivated or not! The year started so well with plans of running another marathon in […]

Fracture Recovery

Many people do not realise how much of an affect a simple break can have on their ability to do daily tasks. They also commonly underestimate the amount of time it will take to return to full health. An injury that has to be immobilised, such as a broken bone, is likely to experience secondary […]

The low down on using crutches

People get given crutches for a number of different reasons. Depending on what you need them for can determine how to use them correctly. It is also important to realise that crutches are hard work and will cause more damage than good if used unnecessarily or incorrectly. However, if you have been advised to use […]

What to expect when you have surgery

Going in for surgery that is not in an emergency situation is called Elective Surgery. This is pretty much any surgery that you are on a waiting list for. In physiotherapy we commonly see people before elective musculoskeletal surgery for pain management and to ensure they are as strong as possible, this makes the recovery […]